Saturday, August 31, 2013

Books of Wonder turns 33


A long, long time ago... well, back on September 2nd, 1980, the day after Labor Day, Books of Wonder opened its doors for the very first time. That's why for many years now, we have celebrated another year of bringing New York City and our friends around the world the best in children's literature with a Labor Day weekend anniversary sale!
This year, Books of Wonder turns 33 years old! That strikes us as a very special number. After all, the great E. Nesbit wrote that all magic comes in threes! And Tolkien wrote that when a hobbit turns 33, it is celebrated as his or her "coming of age." Well, we want to celebrate with you our "coming of age!" So this year, in addition to having every book in the store discounted at least 20% off its suggested retail price -- and that includes all of our old & rare books, as well -- we have also put together a small group of truly wonderful books and sets to offer you at 33% of their original retail price -- that's an amazing 67% off!
We also have a generous selection of books priced from $3 to $8, giving you a special anniversary sale savings of anywhere from 30-60% off. For those of you that can't make it to the store, will also be celebrating the sale with 20% off site-wide, and the chance to save big by ordering our 33rd Anniversary Special Sale items.
The Complete Alice Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-glass are children's classics that have been loved by generations for nearly 150 year. This beautiful box set takes these two great books and presents them as 22 hand-sized little gems, all wonderfully illustrated with Helen Oxenbury's magical, whimsical pictures. From falling down the rabbit-hole to attending the Mad Hatter's tea party, meeting Humpty Dumpty and braving the Jabberwock, these stories have become a must for every child. Imported from the UK, this delightful boxed set is sure to be a treasured addition to your child's library.
The List goes on so just head to their Website
for more details

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Robot & Dog

"Robot & Dog"
a new idea I am working on
I have a being almost an end
close to a middle
right now I am just sketching it out letting the ideas flow

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

LMZ Postcards

Remember when people wrote letters and sent postcards?

In the aftermath of 9’ll, with my beloved City scarred and my 7th Avenue studio lost, I packed my cat and went driving across the country, unsure of where my life was heading.

For years I had been writing and mailing postcards for the postmark, then collecting the cards from the recipient as part of a long-standing art project. During my cross-country sojourn after 9’11 I sent postcards from the different states I visited, each postcard a memory and memento of the places I visited, what I had experienced and felt. 10,000 miles of road and three months later, I returned home to New York but without my cat. She stayed in Las Vegas with my dad and mom.

This is a Book Publishing and Art Show Project of a collection of 52 postcards that were made during 1995 to 2002. The postcards are snapshots of my travels, thoughts and my relationships, composed in an artful way. Each page of the proposed book has a copy of a card with an accompanying transcription of the card.

This project will cost $15,000. as it is a two part project first publishing the postcards will be reproduced with the best quality digital imaging 52 postcards and most are two sided. The second part of the project is the gallery. The costs are still being negotiated, and could run more than the projected because of the framing issues, as the postcards are 2-sided, estimated cost $8,000. I am still looking into spaces, though I now have a few spaces that are interested!

Lisa at work in her studio

Friday, August 2, 2013

Illustration Friday "Jungle"

Version #1

Version #2
Illustration Friday
Word Challenge
I am experimenting using brush ink line on or layered over
 Kraft paper mixed with digital painting creating different texture.