Have you ever had an idea that you thought it was so funny that you must put it down on paper?
That kept you glued to the page until it was done?
That this idea was clear cut, well executed and everyone will get a chuckle out of it?
And because you have Alice Cooper songs stuck in your head like everyone else has the same songs stuck in theirs?
(Assuming we all have his music stuck in are heads)
Then you finish your artwork look at it and say hmmm…. is anyone else going to get this?
You realize your “idea” was nothing more than a fleeting thought that should have stayed hidden in the back of your mind. But do to boredom at your job it flowered into the best thing to hit the universe since PB&J?
Well this is mine for the weekly IF challenge.
Luckily we have the “Concept” trump card we can play
“I must be dreaming please stop screaming…“
"welcome to my nightmare"