Monday, November 9, 2009

part 1 "Would a Kangaraffe Make You Laffe?"

(page 1 of "Would a Kangaraffe Make You Laffe?")
"The little bird said.
"When the animals get together.
They talk about the days when everything was all mixed up.
they were together.
Like a Kangaroo and Giraffee--
A Kangaraffe"
This is the first page of the three illustrations I will be posting from "Would a Kangraffe Make You Laffe?"
The story is built around a grandmother telling a story to her grandchildren, the story is told to her by a little bird. (could Happen)
So through out the book were I felt necessary I added the the little yellow bird to help keep the story consistent. The characters in this book were a lot of fun to illustrate and I had a hard time picking only three illustrations to talk about.
Written by Rich Aaron
Published by 4RV Publishing
Illustrated by Stephen Macquignon me! ;)
Avalable at


  1. Nice illustration. I like how you used the dreamy background effect on this. It gives you the sensation that you're secretly peering in, listening to Grandma's story.

  2. All the illustrations are very good and fit the story beautifully.

  3. I was hopping for that kind of feel.
    I also wanted the attention focused on the characters and not be distracted by detailed backgrounds
