Monday, June 21, 2010

Did you ever notice?

Did you ever notice?

This is the title from "Brain Cells & Bubble Wrap" my Editor and the President of 4RV Publishing newest blog post.

The post is in part about doing searches on your self and what you will find. When she did a search on her self (Vivian Zabel) not only did 4RV Publishing and all the wonderful books came up but also some one with the same name who is or went to prison not sure which one.

I used "Yahoo" search and came up with something over 2,000 then I tried "Bing" and came up with 1,460 Bing seems to have eliminated some of the nonsense it is much more exact search , and "Google" shows about 4,550 some are duplicates so I'm guessing may be closer to the 2,000ish range.
I mentioned on Vivian's blog that one I enjoyed finding my name on IMDb
(The International Movie Data Base) it has many of the animated films I worked on listed there. But some others I did not mention on her site are "Wikipedia" also "Amazon", and of course just simple acknowledgement from Vivian when I won an award as a
Featured Illustrator that was very cool!
So what can you find?

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes what we find about our selves is interesting, sometimes surprising, sometimes not us at all. However it's fun.
