Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am Honored

So I'm playing along,
Thank you Beverly Stowe McClure for the award.
I really don't deserve this and I'm sure there are better blogger then myself who deserve it but here goes.
1. Thank the person who loved me enough to bestow this gift.
2. Share seven things about myself.
3. Bestow this honor onto 15 newly discovered or followed blogger – in no particular order – who are fantastic in some way.
4. Drop by and let my fifteen friends know I love them

I promise to try to get to all fifteen in the next week

1) I don't like awards ;)
2) I still enjoy reading Winnie -The Pooh
3) I never wanted to be a fireman as a kid
4) I eat Frosted Mini Wheat's
5) I love animals
6) I'm thankful for spellcheck
7)  I can fall a sleep just about anywhere

Now for those fifteen blog sites that will have to deal with this next
(kind of like the game telephone)

(This was a lot of work took me an hour just to post this one with all the links)


  1. wow, thanks for the award Stephen. And I also love Winnie the Pooh.

  2. Thank you Steve, It is an honor to have this award, especially coming from you as well as fro Vivian. I have to get busy and send it on. Thank you so much. Keep up your good work and enjoy doing what you love to do. Try to stay awake *:) I am sure animals love you too!

  3. Thank you, Stephen! Me and the rats happily accept! Very sweet of you!!! ;)

    xoxo -- Hilary
