Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Picture Book Cover Art

It's amazing what a picture can do.
For about a year there was no image (cover art)  for this book.
 Yes frustrating, how can you sell a book on Amazon or Barnes & Noble web sites and not have a front cover being shown. Somehow it was lost in the wash so to speak, I was busy working on illustrating other stories so I did not pay close attention to how long ago the book was published, and the publishing company has there hands full as well.   
It was not till I finished "Libby the Odd Squirrel"(maybe coming out in September) that I realized how long it has been, So after sending out some emails inquiring on the book cover. Then latter posting what I've done to promote the book and  letting who ever reads these post that there is still no image for the book, someone Anonymously made a simple suggestion on how I can fix it on my own.

Well the Book is not  ranking at #1 but it is now ranking at #1,653,874 in Books and it is ranked the top seller of the books I illustrated.
This is in no way saying that this picture book is better then the others because they are all special in one way or another and even though I have my favorites, I will never tell because I don't ever want any of the picture books get jealous of one another.
Happy Reading! 

1 comment:

  1. I like the lion in your header a lot!

    Pragmatic Mom
    Type A Parenting for the Modern World

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